Collegium Helveticum
CMS candidate collision event for a B0 meson decaying into a K0 meson and two muons (red lines). The K0 meson decays into a K+ meson (magenta line) and a π- meson (green line). Credit: CERN
Fellow Project 2024–2025

Effects of Quantum Electrodynamics in Rare Decays of B Mesons

During his fellowship, Matthias Neubert aims to improve the precision of calculations for rare decays of B meson. These processes are pivotal for two reasons: they enable the determination of key parameters within the Standard Model of particle physics and serve as sensitive probes for potential "new physics" beyond the Standard Model. With experiments like LHCb and Belle-II delivering increasingly precise data on rare B decays, it has become critical to account for electromagnetic (QED) effects in these processes. These effects, which involve real and virtual photons, provide insights into the inner structure of the B meson but have historically been challenging to estimate. Using modern tools grounded in effective field theory, Neubert’s group recently developed a novel method to calculate these effects from first principles, linking them to measurable properties of the B meson. He now seeks to extend this approach to more complex decays, involving other mesons in the final state—offering promising opportunities to uncover physics beyond the Standard Model.