Collegium Helveticum

Pankaj Pankaj
Senior Fellow 2021–2022

Biomechanics and engineering
Fellowship duration
February 01, 2022–May 31, 2022
Academic or artistic job title
Professor of Computational Biomechanics
Home institution

University of Edinburgh, UK

Institutional website
Associated with

Pankaj Pankaj is Professor of Computational Biomechanics at the School of Engineering’s Institute for Bioengineering at the University of Edinburgh. He works in the field of computational solid mechanics with a focus on applications for clinical problems in orthopedics, in particular on the biomechanical behavior of bone and bone-implant systems. As a senior fellow at the Collegium, he explored the relationship between aesthetics, design, and function in natural and engineered products. He convened a workshop on this issue, bringing together experts from industrial design, architecture, mechanical and biomechanical engineering, and anthropology.