Associate Fellows
Associate fellows act as academic partners
for both early-career and senior fellows at one of the three supporting universities. As faculty members at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, or the Zurich University of the Arts, associate fellows support the fellowship application, help the international fellows establish contacts in Zurich, and often provide access to additional infrastructure at their institution.
Current and former associate fellows 2021–2024
Annuska Derks
Anselm Franke
Johannes Reich
Roger Kouyos
Bryan T. Adey
Tom Avermaete
Alberto Bacchelli
Uschi Backes-Gellner
Balthasar Bickel
Margarita Boenig-Liptsin
Walter Boente
Judith Burkart
Cardelle de Hartmann Carmen
Andrea Carminati
Erick Carreira
Alberto Cattaneo
Maarten Delbeke
Volker Dellwo
Andrew deMello
Eugene Demler
Oliver Diggelmann
Monika Dommann
Eric Dufresne
Sebastian Dötterl
Frank Esser
Damien Farine
Massimo Filippini
Robert Finger
Peter Finke
Alexandra Freund
Jörg Goldhahn
Gonzalo Guillén Gosálbez
Benjamin Grewe
Inga Mai Groote
Nicolas Gruber
Isabel Günther
Michael Hagner
Daniel Hall
Michael Hampe
Thorsten Hens
Hanna Hilbrandt
Silja Häusermann
Lucio Isa
Adrian Jäggi
Martin Jäggi
David Kammer
Christine Kaufmann
David Kaufmann
Andreas Kilcher
Bärbel Küster
Adriana López-Labourdette
Andreas Maercker
Mike Martin
Kristopher McNeill
Sacha Menz
Margot Michel
Denise Mitrano
Ralph Müller
Stephan Neuhauss
Renato Pajarola
Owen Petchey
Milo Puhan
Martina Rau
Daniel Razansky
Markus Reiher
Anton Rey
Hannes Rickli
Christoph Riedweg
Robert Riener
Katja Rost
Thomas Rösgen
Jörg Rössel
Dominik Sackmann
Chistopher Lloyd Salter
Sylvia Sasse
Armin Schmutzler
Mike Schäfer
Rolf Sethe
Shweta Shinde
Felix Stalder
Laurent Stalder
Heather Stoll
Tobias Straumann
Shana Sturla
Germán Toro-Pérez
Philip Ursprung
Jan Vermant
Benedikt Korf
Ferdinand von Meyenn
Christoph Vorburger
Christoph Weckerle
Robert Weibel
Alex Widmer
Sandro Zanetti