Fellow Year 2023–2024

Early-career & senior fellows 2023–2024

Senior Fellow

Tuncay Alan
Senior Fellow

N. Asokan
Senior Fellow

Mario Biagioli
Senior Fellow

Yael Borofsky
Early-Career Fellow

Noé Brasier
Early-Career Fellow

Maneesha Deckha
Senior Fellow

Somayeh Dodge
Senior Fellow

Niels van Doorn
Senior Fellow

Georgia Drew
Early-Career Fellow

Katherine Elvira
Senior Fellow

Huib Ernste
Senior Fellow

Kenneth Gillingham
Senior Fellow

Makiko Hashinaga
Senior Fellow

Christopher Hasson
Senior Fellow

Anke te Heesen
Senior Fellow

Inge Hinterwaldner
Senior Fellow

Ulrike Klinger
Senior Fellow

Urte Krass
Senior Fellow

Marielle Macé
Senior Fellow

Kettly Mars
Senior Fellow

Emma Mavodza
Early-Career Fellow

Galen McKinley
Senior Fellow

Francesca Melandri
Senior Fellow

Bernhard Mikeska
Senior Fellow

Bruno Moreschi
Early-Career Fellow

Celestin Mutuyimana
Early-Career Fellow

Maryna Nehrey
Senior Fellow

Vadym Rakochi
Senior Fellow

Kriss Ravetto
Guest of Director

Ari Ray
Early-Career Fellow

Lyudmyla Romanyuk
Senior Fellow

Lorenzo Romito
Senior Fellow

Walid Sadok
Senior Fellow

Thomas Schröpfer
Senior Fellow

Tim Shaw
Senior Fellow

Margaret-Anne Storey
Senior Fellow

Paulo Wirz
Early-Career Fellow

Madeline Woker
Early-Career Fellow

Nikolaos Zagklas
Senior Fellow
Associate fellows 2023–2024

Isabel Günther

Jörg Goldhahn

Christoph Vorburger
Katja Rost

Felix Stalder

Andreas Maercker

David Kaufmann
Martin Jäggi

Tobias Straumann

Stephan Neuhauss

Andrew deMello

Shweta Shinde

Margarita Boenig-Liptsin

Margot Michel

Robert Weibel

Denise Mitrano

Hanna Hilbrandt

Massimo Filippini

Jörg Rössel

Robert Riener

Monika Dommann

Michael Hagner
Mike Schäfer

Maarten Delbeke

Andreas Kilcher

Nicolas Gruber

Anton Rey

Robert Finger

Dominik Sackmann

Anselm Franke

Alexandra Freund

Andrea Carminati

Sacha Menz

Hannes Rickli

Alberto Bacchelli

Cardelle de Hartmann Carmen
News & publications 2023–2024

Hear My Voice A Film by Celestin Mutuyimana

Annual Report 2023–2024

Revealing the Paths People Take in Informal Settlements Yael Borofsky on Her Latest Publication

How Machines Learn to See Our World The Humans Behind Machine Learning

“Switzerland is an outlier in this respect” Gabriel Zucman in the Wochenzeitung

Tax History Madeline Woker in UZH News

It Started With Silence Or How Talking Created the Waves for Collaboration

In Pursuit of Sweat Noé Brasier on Biosensors and Transdisciplinary Research
Fellow events 2023–2024

Manipulating Microbiomes Microbiota-based Interventions for Pathogen Control

Walking Festival of Sound

The Observatory Remnants of Explorations on Lost, Marginal, and Possible Realities

O Encontro das Partes Partidas The Encounter of Broken Parts

Movement Analytics in the Era of Big Data and Open Science

Grete Steffin und Brecht und Du A VR production

Radio-Activities Architecture and Broadcasting in Cold War Berlin

Integrating Science, Physiotherapists, and Robots in Rehabilitation

Generative AI, Social Media, and the Super-Election Year of 2024

Planetary Health It Takes More Than a Village to Find a Solution

Continuity and Change Reflecting on over a Decade of Platform-Mediated Gig Work

Affective Dimensions of Urban Places

Urban Lighting Realities 4D Virtual Settlements from Cape Town to Sarajevo

Inclusive Cities New Methods to Understand Informal Infrastructure Access

The Past and Future of Global Tax Justice

A Virologist’s Look Back on COVID-19 Ludwik Fleck Lecture by Christian Drosten

IMAMOU In the Beginning There Was Water

The Curriculum Vitae Recording, Constructing, and Evaluating Authorship

Drivers of Ethical Consumption in Switzerland and Japan

Ghostly Currency The Afterlife of Celebrity

Acapulco Working in Progress or First Cut

The Role of Culture in the Exploration of Post-Trauma Suffering

La Zattera (the Raft) A Performative Archive of Forgotten Memories, Marginal Realities, and Lost Futures of Modern Rome

Real-Life Impacts of Security Vulnerabilities

Developing Effective Climate Policy

Politics in Proximity On Inequality and Local Governance

Climate Crisis and the Humanities With Nayanika Mathur

Digital Money and Digital Futures for Value Exchange

Can We Be Smarter than the Phytoplankton? A Perspective on the Global Climate and Sustainability

Ukrainian Chamber Music An Autobiography

Accelerating Replacement Toward Animal-free Science Research at Swiss Universities

Docu & Demo Condensed Knowledge Formats

In Between Performance and Documentation By Dragan Espenschied

The Global Tax Evasion Report 2024 Panel discussion with Gabriel Zucman

Docu & Demo Archiving Programmed Media Art

Bespoke Artificial Cells and Tissues for Drug Discovery

SustainAgro Strengthening Economic Growth, Sustainability, and Innovation in Agriculture

I Prefer Not To Hito Steyerl in conversation

Structural Media

Structural Media

Structural Media

Corpses, Casts, and Copyrights Displaying Human Remains

Working the Image Exch W/ Turkers and Other Collective Experimentations

Sample Delivery Methods For In-Situ Studies and Serial Crystallography

Rise of Atmospheric Drought Integrating Across Scales and Disciplines to Boost Plant Resilience

Politics and Poetics of Exile by Didier Fassin

Brauchen wir kurze Bücher? (Do We Need Short Books?) mit Anke te Heesen, Valentin Groebner, David Hesse und Niki Rhyner

Dense + Green Cities Architecture as Urban Ecosystem

Radical Reading

Literatur und Recht in der römisch-griechischen Tradition Literature and Law in the Greco-Roman Tradition

(Re-)Searching for Resonances Contemporary Music at the Collegium

Francesca Melandri im Gespräch mit Zora del Buono

Futures Storytelling Workshop and Lecture with Kim Stanley Robinson

How AI is Disrupting Developer Productivity It’s More Complicated Than We May Think

Epistemic Authority
Fellow projects 2023–2024

A Taxing Empire Power and Taxation in the French Colonial Empire,1850s–1950s

Acapulco Seeing (through) Images from Large-Scale Vision Datasets

Accelerating Replacement: Toward Animal-Free Human Health Research A Socio-Legal and Policy Perspective

An Ecology of Speech — Une Écologie de la Parole

Being Thomas Mann

Cultural Scripts of Trauma among Eastern African Population The Voice of Survivors, Clinicians, and Ethnographers

Democracy, Election Campaigns, and Artificial Intelligence

Dense and Green Cities Emerging Models of Integrated Urban Development

Digital Transformation of the Agricultural Sector for Sustainable Development Pathways, Drivers, and Policy Implications

Disputes Over Authority The Complex Relationship between Soul and Body in Medieval Greek Tradition

Energy in the Inclusive City Towards Equitable Energy Access in Cities with High Informality

Femininity and Political Pattern

Fiction and Auto-Fiction Writing The Art of Dissimulation

Global Bones Entanglements, Transfers, and Translations in the Early Modern Age

How AI is Impacting Productivity in Software Engineering

Integrating Therapists and Robotics for Improved Rehabilitation Outcomes

Investigating How Nanoplastic Pollution Affects Human Cells

Investigating the Drivers of Ethical Consumption in Switzerland

Modeling Electric Vehicle Adoption and Policy in Switzerland

Nucleation Illuminated

Outsourcing Defense Manipulating Symbiont-Encoded Protection against Parasites

Pensamentos Paralelos The Parabola and Wor(l)d of Objects

Rise of Atmospheric Drought Pathways for Improving Crop Resilience Using Soil and Plant Hydraulics

Smarter Than the Phytoplankton? A Personal Perspective on Climate and Sustainability

Stalking Traces How to Model Artworks in the Humanities?

Structural Media Artistic Approaches to Failure and Liveness in Art and Technology

The Affective and Emotional ‘Vibe’ of Specific (Public) Urban Places in Zurich

The Evolution of the Concerto Through the Lens of the Development of the Orchestra in the First Decade of the 19th Century

The Political Class Ceiling Inequality in Italian and French Local Politics

The Raft Adrift through Stories and Imaginaries of the Invisible City

The Role of Social Norms in Digital Financial Inclusion of Women in Eswatini

The Trouble with Ghosts Film, Television, and Other Spectral Media

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring at the Site of Infections Wearable, Continuous, and Lab-Independent

Tracing the Evolution of Two Gig Platforms A Comparative Analysis of Deliveroo and Upwork

Understanding the Real-Life Impacts of Security Break