The Role of Technological Innovation in Environmental and Climate Policy How Can the Energy Transition Succeed?
- Informations
Venue & accessibility info: Meridian Hall, Collegium Helveticum
This is a public event. Participation is free of charge and registration is not required.
The workshop is followed by a small reception.
Technological innovations have been a key solution to many environmental problems. For example, scrubbers have greatly reduced harmful air emissions. At the same time, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to a level that keeps warming within the Paris Agreement requires drastic cuts to emissions and a fundamental transition to a decarbonized economy.
This workshop brings together economists and practitioners working on new technological innovation to discuss what settings are most conducive to achieve technological breakthroughs. Topics include financing of the energy transition, green innovation policies, knowledge spillovers from clean to polluting firms, as well as specific examples of large-scale solar installations and a move to a circular economy where wastes are reused as resources.
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